Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's been a helluva week

I haven't written in awhile, cuz with starting this new job, I tried to get my ass to bed at a somewhat decent time. So since I wrote last, the ex has stopped me from even talking to my children, and says he won't let me take them this weekend either. Here is my crime apparently....

As I said, I do have a very nice gentleman who is my friend, and I just so happen to have a spectacular time when I am with him, but that should be beside the point. He has never been around the children, because I feel they have been through so much this summer that to introduce them to a guy would just be wrong to do to them emotionally if I don't know if it's going to be a lasting thing. It's already bad enough they have to deal with his gf. When I had them over, my son wanted to talk to my friend. Here's how the conversation went:


"how are you doing?"

"good. here's my mommy."

Done. That was it, and apparently, I am "endangering the welfare" of my children because the ex wants his last name so he can make sure he can do a background check and make sure he's safe to be around the kids. Catch 22? He's already wrote to this friend, and told him to stay away from me and the kids. Told him he doesn't make threats, he makes promises, and told me that he was going to kill him. Sound like father of the year, or over jealous ex? I vote for the latter. Oh, "father of the year" out solely for the "protection" of his children, said his son only told him the truth about talking to my friend after he threatened to kick the "ever loving shit out of him."

Now, how's this for a court system? Nothing I can do except for file incident reports. It'll take 3-4 weeks of him denying me visitation and then another few weeks before I'll get a court date, and that's including with him threatening my son. Apparently that's not a legitimate claim to bring it back before the court.

Hey, this HUGE threat to his children...he just so happens to be a Peace Officer, Volunteer Firefighter, and has custody of his daughter and joint custody of his son, residency being with him. Mind you, in between all of this, omg, he actually WORKS! Not to mention, he has not even been around my children. Ex is such a loser he doesn't even see what an idiot he's going to make out of himself in court. I hope he gets held in contempt and goes to jail!

More of a positive note...I will do what I need to do for my children, and I will not endanger anyone else in the process of doing so. He'll get his in the long run, and in the meantime, he's just going to bury himself with the courts and the kids. They are going to resent him so much when they get older. (One time when we arguing, he put the phone on speaker phone with them in the truck, and he's told them that I love my job and this man more than I love them.) Karma is waiting for him, and I hold on to the faith that I will come out victorious. He'll find himself pouting in a corner, realizing hind sight is 20/20, and he should have just left well enough alone.

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger, and the stronger I get, the more my children will be able to have a true role model in their lives, instead of this pathetic piece of crap who just can't realize when play time is over, and it's time to grow up. Take some responsibility and be a man for once in your life!!!